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    What "One Tree Hill" taught me

    Updated: Jun 10, 2018

    Whether you connected with Nathan and his love of basketball (and Haley), or Lucas and his interest in writing, or even Brooke and her sassy self and fabulous clothing line; you didn’t watch all nine seasons without learning a lesson, or two.  So here it is, 20 things “One Tree Hill” taught me in 2015.

     1.) Real friends can talk about anything.

    No questions off limits.

    2.) Looking for reasons why something won’t work, is the best way to ruin what you have.

    If you want to be with someone and they feel the same, what’s stopping you?

    3.) Just know you are enough.

    Regardless of the boy who didn’t see your worth or the job you didn’t get.

     4.) Expectations are the root of heartbreak.

    People will disappoint you, that’s just part of life.

     5.) Sometimes, you just have accept what is.

    And trust that what’s meant to be, won’t ever miss you.

     6.) Focus on yourself and pray for your deepest desires.

    In time, you’ll get even more than you wished for.

     7.) Worrying only keeps you from enjoying the here and now.

    Deal with tomorrow when it comes.

     8.) Boys will be boys, so enjoy your own company.

    At least until they grow up a little more.

    9.) Spending time with friends and family is what’s most important in life.

    Always make time in your busy schedule for them.

     10.) Everyone’s journeys are different, that’s what makes them so special.

    Just because others are engaged, doesn’t mean you have to be.

     11.) It is more than okay to have a lazy day and binge eat and watch Netflix.

    You’ve earned it.

    12.) Find a place where you feel the happiest.

    Whether hiking in the woods or curled up next to family watching a movie.

    13.) The moment you can finally say we’re done, and actually mean it.

    We are NEVER, ever, getting back together. Just listen to TSWIFT in the first place.

    14.) Nothing is better than bed, nothing. 

    Which makes it nearly impossible to get up and participate in life.

    15.) Second chances seem to blow up in your face more times than not.

    But hey, at least you can say you tried.

    16.) Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, regardless of what happens next.

    Taking chances is scary, but it’s worth the risk.

    17.) Love isn’t only in romantic relationships.

    It can be for your passions, your family, and even yourself.

    18.) Relationships are a two-way street.

    So don’t waste your time on a one-way or a dead end one.

    19.) Be sure to focus on yourself every once in a while.

    After all, you can’t be happy with someone else until you’re happy on your own.

    20.) Finding your other half, will be so worth the wait. Just be patient.

    Until then, enjoy eating the whole tub of ice cream, by yourself.

    One Tree Hill is full of life lessons, ones that will continue to be learned with each time the series is watched.  This year has had its share of ups and downs, and lessons learned. Whether it was taking chances, trying new things, or finding who I was, it has been quite the adventure.

    Thankful for this year of life,

     and ready for another year of lessons learned (and binge watching One Tree Hill).


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    Last Updated: 2018 by Tia Kaitlyn

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