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Small Acts are a BIG Deal

Updated: Jun 10, 2018

"It's the little things".....

I know, I know, we all have heard this a million times, but it is so true. The small things people do for us to show they care. The small acts of kindness that brightens our day. The small compliment we get that has us smiling from ear to ear.

It all seems so small but tends to make a big difference in our day.

Today, I woke up late for church with just enough time to throw my hair up, slap some makeup on, and hope my outfit matched. We all know (at least us girls) that being rushed or late is always the worst start to the day. I rush into the church, sit down, and look over. My boyfriend reaches down and picks up a coffee and hands it to me and says "I got you this". I smile at him and just have a moment (yes, a moment like the movies). It was almost like a snapshot, slow-motion moment. I know, I'm dramatic and watch way too many Hallmark movies, but I'm serious. The small act of simply thinking to bring me coffee, made my entire day. My entire day was turned around because of the little thing he did for me (and because I was in church, duh).

I feel like too often we get caught up in our day to day lives and forget to do small things for those we love. We get bogged down with the stress, the worry, and the busyness of the world we live in. We get comfortable in our relationships and don't do the things we did at the beginning.

Stop for a minute.

Pay attention to the little things that make them happy.

Make a small effort to do a "little thing" for someone you love. You may be surprised at the BIG difference it can make.

I challenge all of you to do a "little thing" for someone you love this week.

I know I will.


Disclaimer: Sorry, Casey's coffee is my favorite...don't knock it until you try it.


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