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    My "womanspiration"

    Updated: Jun 10, 2018

    Inspiration comes in all different forms, whether that be through nature, music, or a person. In this case, it is a person who has inspired me. Not only has this person practically raised me, but has also helped me become who I am. My mom, also known as Mary, Mrs. McCutchen, or my personal favorite, Mother Mary is by far my biggest inspiration. Describing this woman and not just using words like perfect or awesome will be a bit challenging, but bare with me.

     "No matter your age, you always need your mom."

    My mom, Mary Louise McCutchen, is the most remarkable person I have ever known. If you know her, you do not even need me to explain in detail why this is so, but for those of you who don't, let me explain. She is constantly giving up her time to serve others. Whether that be something as simple as babysitting someone's kid or taking on the responsibility of leading a group of people halfway around the world to spread the love of Jesus. She also happens to be the best mom (don't argue with me on that, you'll lose). Patience, selflessness, and kindness are three qualities that she embodies one hundred percent of the time. Of course I have seen her aggravated and frustrated but she handles it better than anyone I know. My mom is constantly making sure that everyone is happy and has everything they need. It's also pretty neat that she doubles as my friend when I need advice on what to do. Although, she usually just tells me that it is my decision to make and I need to do what I want (which I usually do). I could go on and on about how wonderful my mom is, but this is about how she inspires me.

    "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother."

    As I mentioned before, she has all kinds of wonderful qualities, ones that I hope to possess. The way my mother acts and carries herself has always inspired me to do the same. I try to be selfless, kind, and empathetic, just like my mom would. Although, it doesn't seem to come as easy to me, I try to display these qualities in all I do. I always find myself in situations asking, what would mom do (WWMD)? She has taught me that you can do whatever you want if you work hard enough for it. Her life is a testimony to that, finishing up school with a husband and two kids. She ended up being an elementary school principal with a master's degree and having two more kids. What could this woman not do? Of course, it doesn't stop there. She volunteers countless hours helping out at our church, whether that be teaching Sunday School, feeding the homeless, coordinating mission trips, or leading a mission minded class. Surely by now you are convinced I have Superwoman as my mom, but it doesn't stop there.

    hero: an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

    All of her accomplishments, time sacrifices, and selfless acts should not be overlooked. However, what has inspired me since day one about my mother is that she always finds a way to see the good in everything (and I mean everything). I could not count on my hands how many times I have gotten the text message "God has a plan even if we don't know what it is now. There are much greater things to come." Her relationship with God, and the continual growth that you can see day by day also inspires me to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord. Of course I know she is not always happy and everything in her life isn't perfect, but it's not about having the perfect life, it's about how you handle situations when difficult times do come, because they will. She has taught me to always see something good in every situation (except taking Math and Science classes of course). Speaking of school, she is constantly encouraging me (especially during finals week) that I can do it, and sure enough I always do. There are not enough kind words I can say that would do her justice. My mother is the most incredible, phenomenal, amazing woman I have ever known, and if you have the pleasure of knowing her, I'm sure you'd agree.

    Inspiration aside, she has also taught me smaller less significant lessons that I will always remember such as: 

    • Chocolate is the answer to all things.

    • Hallmark movies are always a good idea (don't forget the popcorn)

    • "If you love it, just get it"

    • Microwavable mashed potatoes are just as good as the real ones.

    • Always sit up straight (still working on that one).

    • There is always room for dessert.

    • Boys are worthless until they are AT LEAST 25

    • Crying is not going to solve anything

    • Using Christmas bags, napkins, and plates year round is acceptable.

    To the woman who birthed me, dressed me, held me, raised me, taught me, kissed me, supported me, encouraged me, and loved me unconditionally: words cannot express how much I look up to you and aspire to be you. Thank you for being the best mom I could have ever asked for. If I am half the mom to my kids that you are to me, I'd say I'll be a pretty great one. Love you Mother Mary.


    "When you thought I wasn't looking. You hung my first painting on the refrigerator. And I wanted to paint another. When you thought I wasn't looking. You fed a stray dog. And I thought it was good to be kind to animals. When you thought I wasn't looking. You baked a birthday cake just for me. And I knew that little things were special things. When you thought I wasn't looking. You said a prayer. And I believed there was a God that I could always talk to. When you thought I wasn't looking. You kissed me good-night. And I felt loved. When you thought I wasn't looking. I saw tears come from your eyes. And I learned that sometimes things hurt -But that it's alright to cry. When you thought I wasn't looking. You smiled. And it made me want to look that pretty too. When you thought I wasn't looking. You cared. And I wanted to be everything I could be. When you thought I wasn't looking - I looked... And wanted to say thanks. For all those things you did. When you thought I wasn't looking."



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    Last Updated: 2018 by Tia Kaitlyn

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