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    Fulfillment in Christ

    Updated: Jun 10, 2018

    "The only One who can truly satisfy the human heart, is the One who made it"

    Every since we were little we have been looking for that one thing that will satisfy us, make us content. As kids, it was getting that toy at the store, staying up later than normal, or begging to eat chocolate before dinner (or was that just me). A few years pass and as teenagers we search for satisfaction in good grades, popularity, athletic achievement, or a significant other. Even adults tend to look for fulfillment in things such as a nicer house or car, a better job, or more money.

    We think these things will make us happy, but they don't.

    We think it will be enough, but it always leaves us wanting more.

    Seeking satisfaction through possessions or through people will never leave us fulfilled.

    If I have learned one thing this year, it is that I can search and search for something to make me happy, and it may for a while, but the only thing that will truly satisfy is God, the Maker of my heart. While I have always understood the concept that possessions won't make me content, I've struggled with the fact that other people won't. At a young age, I got sucked into the idea that one day I was going to meet someone and life was going to change (too many Nicholas Sparks movies). I had the notion that this person was going to satisfy the emptiness that we all feel in our hearts at times. I carried this into every relationship I have had, which have all been pretty great ones, but I was always left discontent. I never found that true satisfaction because they always disappointed me or let me down. In putting so much hope in the fact that the relationship would fulfill the desires of my heart, that is what left me with the heartbreak I have experienced. Being on the other side of it now, I see all that the Lord has taught me about fulfillment and how it won't come from anyone but Him.

    Until  Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll be looking to men to meet needs that only he can fill. Only when you make Jesus Christ your first love, will you be ready for a love story that reflects His glory.

    While reflecting on the past year of my growing relationship with Christ, I stumbled upon this prayer in my journal:

    "It amazes me how much You love me, no matter what. There is nothing I can do to make You love me more and there is nothing I can do to make You love me less, that's what is so beautiful about Your grace. Too often I seek approval from others, especially in relationships. But why? I have a Father whose love is never ending. You don't change or get tired of me. I don't have to earn Your love or have to try to get Your attention. I don't have to worry about being let down, disappointed, hurt, or left. I am more than enough because I am made in Your image. I pray that I may have an undivided heart and seek You only. I am thankful that Your love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on me. Lord I pray that you restore my heart and that I may know that You are all that satisfies. May I give my whole heart to the One who truly deserves it, the One who created it."

    Unless we understand that the only One who will ever satisfy, fulfill, and make us content is God, then we will always keep changing directions. This can be in our careers or relationships, with hope that the change will fill the emptiness of our heart. We think maybe this time will be different, maybe this time I will find what gives me enough happiness. While these things may give you temporary pleasure, eternal joy and fulfillment will only come from God.

    "Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days"                                  -Psalm 90:14

    Lord, thank You for saving me from the empty things I use to chase.

    May I be reminded that the only fulfillment I will find is in You.


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    Last Updated: 2018 by Tia Kaitlyn

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