The next few months of my life has drastically changed. This time two weeks ago I was a full-time graduate clinician finishing out my last semester of graduate school in speech-language pathology. Due to COVID-19, my University made the decision to continue class remotely through online classes, consequently ending my internship through May. While I still have school and clinic work to do on my computer, my routine has completely been changed. I knew how important it would be to continue a routine in order to feel some sort of normalcy. A morning routine is the most important part of your day. It is the time where you set your intentions for the day.
1. Don’t press snooze.
Set your alarm just like you would any other day. While I don’t set mine as early as I was before, I still don’t allow myself to sleep as late as I know I could.
2. Make your bed.
This one is so simple, but so many people skip this step in their morning routine. It will make you feel productive first thing in the morning.
3. Coffee and Breakfast
Make your coffee and whip up some sort of easy and quick breakfast.
4. Gratitude and Dream Journal
I use this practice from Rachel Hollis. I write down 5 things I am grateful for from the past 24 hours. For example: "Date Night", "Cup of Coffee", Conversation with my sister". This causes you to look at small things during your day that bring you gratitude. After, I write down 10 dreams AS IF THEY HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED. Yeah, you read that right. So your dream may look like, "I ran a 5k", "I am debt free", or "I eat foods that bless my body". This is your journal, write your big dreams. The dreams that you would be embarrassed if anyone else saw. For more information on this amazing practice click here to hear from Rachel Hollis.
5. To-Do List
I make a to-do list of what I want to get done that day. I also do my best to put it in the order I want to get it done. Each morning I choose to do it instead of planning the whole week at once. I wake up feeling inspired to do different things, so I wait until I know how I will feel that do to plan out my to-do list.
6. Get Ready
This has been extremely helpful for me, even though it sometimes seems silly. I get ready every day. I put on makeup, fix my hair, and change out of my pajamas. While I am not going anywhere, it makes me feel more put together and ready to conquer the day with productivity.
After I get ready, I am tackling my to-do list for the day. I do my best not to watch any TV during the day and TRY to stay off my phone as much as I can (still working on this one). Starting a morning routine will help keep you productive and feeling a sense of normalcy.